Center for Educational Outreach at Rose-Hulman

The Center for Educational Outreach at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology takes pride in being enablers:  we facilitate innovation in teaching and learning.  We have transcended our original efforts to become a premier provider of professional development (PD) experiences for all professionals.

Mission: To empower professionals through dynamic professional development events and strategic grassroots partnerships, fostering collaboration and innovation in STEM education. Our goal is to provide impactful learning experiences and resources that drive meaningful change and elevate educational practices across the state.

Goal: We accomplish our mission by adhering to three overarching goals.  These guiding principles embody (1) our operating philosophy, (2) our primary product and supporting activities, and (3) our expected outcomes.

Goal #1:  Exemplify a Grassroots Approach to Educational Reform: CEO at RH (formerly PRISM Project) aids professionals in meeting new reform guidelines -- both state and national -- that call for less dependence on textbooks, lectures, and de-contextualized lab work and more emphasis on inquiry-based learning containing real-world, problem-based scenarios. We think that transformations flourish best when nurtured by close relationships among small groups.  Thus, we continue to grow the project through a grassroots approach to improving learning by partnering with various stakeholders.  We envision CEO at RH as a network connecting people and resources to form a powerful agent:  a cadre of professionals and stakeholders who will traverse the gap between individual talent and systemic change.

Goal #2:  Provide a Suite of Services and Resources:  From the beginning, CEO at RH (formerly PRISM Project) addressed the classic organizational problem of a knowledge / skills gap:  what to do when new methods of operating advance more rapidly than members of the organization can meaningfully assimilate and implement. Thus, we have structured CEO at RH to mediate between the wealth of instructional standards and most the professionals’ ability to meaningfully integrate these advancements into their work and initiatives.

Goal #3:  Contribute to Indiana Workforce Enhancement:  We are committed to helping Indiana graduate young people who are knowledgeable, responsible, productive, and employable. The CEO at RH fosters quality learning experiences by empowering educators and professionals alike with the information and communication technology literacies (ICT) necessary for careers in the modern workplace. 
